Download Playtube Ios


What PHP framework PlayTube is built on?


Enter the PlayTube for PC-Windows 7,8,10 and Mac in it. Choose the Market from where you want to Install it, Choose Play Store. If asked for ID, put it. Let the Downloading and Installation to complete. Open the Game or App from Main Menu and Enjoy. Or just download the Apk file of any app and double click to Install it on. Download OneBox HD Apk v1.0.1 (Android/ iOS/PC) Latest Version; Download FreeFlix HQ Pro v4.1.0 Apk Mod Unlocked Latest; Download TextNow Premium v6.56.1.0 Apk Mod Full Unlocked; Download Pixel Car Racer v1.1.80 Apk Mod Money (Unlocked) Download Bowling King v1.50.8 Apk Mod For Android Latest Version; Download Piano Tiles 2 v3.1.0.105pk+Mod.

We don’t use any types of frameworks, the script is full pure PHP code.

When is the next update coming up? what is the new features?

Which host provider do you recommend for PlayTube?


Can I use this platform in more than one domain?

With one purchase code you can use it on one domain name. You need to get new license for each domain name, please check Envato Help Page for more information about licenses

Why I get 404 when I visit admin panel or when I logout?

Please make sure that the .htaccess file is uploaded to your server and updated to latest version.

If the file is exists, but you still face this issue, please contact your host provide, and let them enable mod_rewrite.

If you are using a VPS with Ubuntu Linux installed, please follow this guide.

If you use Nginx in your server, please follow the last step in the installation page.

Why I get 500 internal service error?

Download Playtube Ios Free

This may cuase due folder permission error, or apache issue, please contact your host provider and let them fix it for you.

I can't upload large files, I can't upload videos, why?

If you can't upload large files, go to Admin Settings > Settings > Site Settings > Max upload size and increase the value, if you still can't upload large files, please contact your host provider and let them increase the upload limit and max_execution_time.


Where can I access the admin panel?

Login to the site using your admin credentials, then visit

Where can I modify the HTML tamplates?

You can find the layout files in ./themes/default/layout/

The files extention is .html

Where can I edit the stylesheet?

You can edit the stylesheet from ./themes/default/css

The main style file is: style.css

Download Playtube Ios

Where I can add my own code inside head/body/footer tags?

You can do that from ./themes/default/layout/container.html

How can I change the logo and the design?

You can change your logo, favicon, welcome page background image from Admin Panel > Design.

How can I create new themes?

Make a copy of ./themes/default/ folder, rename it, open ./YOUR_THEME/info.php and change the requested info there.

Once you have changed the info, save the file, go to you admin panel -> design -> themes, and you'll find your theme there, under your theme name, click on activate.

How to edit & customize email templates which are sent for users?

You can change them from ./themes/default/layout/emails/

Where is favicon.ico located in PlayTube?

You can change it from ./themes/default/img/icon.png

How to edit PRO packages page?

You can add more info in ./themes/default/layout/go_pro

How can I edit the footer menu?

You can edit the footer from: ./themes/default/layout/footer/

How I can setup Google reCaptcha?

You have to get a site key from

Once you got the site_key, you can add it in Admin > Settings > Site Settings > reCaptcha key. Make sure to add the site key not the secret key.

Where is the profile page template files located?

You edit the profile page from: ./themes/wowonder/default/timeline/content.html

How to restrict certain IP to access your site?

You can block from .htaccess:

When I am trying to recharge / Replenish my balance for advertising, I get ”Client Authentication failed”. How to solve it?

The PayPal configuration are wrong. Please make sure the access keys are correct and make sure it's live or sandbox in Admin Panel > Settings > Payment Settings.

Languages & Categories

How to add a new language?

You can do that from Admin Panel > Languages > Add New Language

How to set the default language?

You can set it on Admin > Settings > Site Settings > Default Language

Where can I edit/add categories?

You can edit them in the languages files located in ./assets/langs/

How can I edit the countries?

You can edit them in the languages files located in ./assets/langs/

SSL Setup

How can I install SSL?

After you have bought the SSL certificate, go to ./config.php file, find $site_url, replace your site url to https version.

How can I redirect my website to the SSL version?

Make sure you have SSL working on your domain, and $site_url is set to SSL version in ./config.php file.

Open .htaccess file, under 'RewriteEngine On', copy and the paste the code below:

How can I install SSL on NodeJS server?

If you are using ajax, you can skip this step, if you are you using node.js and websockets, please follow the steps below:

Open ./nodejs/config.json file, set 'ssl' to true.

In the same file, find the keys: 'ssl_privatekey_full_path', and 'ssl_cert_full_path' and set their value, your code should look like this:

Node.js Instructions

Before we start:
1. We should make sure that nodejs is installed in our server.
2. Please open ./nodejs/config.json file, and configure your application. (MySQL, Site URL, server IP, listening port, Amazon)
Note: NodeJs is not required to run your script, if you are using shared hosting, or you can't get nodejs installed, you can still use the Ajax system (Default) in Admin > Settings > General Settings > Server Settings

How to install NodeJS on Linux CentOS?

1. Install the EPEL repository
# yum install epel-release

2. Install Node.js
# yum install nodejs

3. Install NPM
# yum install npm

4. Double-check to make sure everything is working
# node --version
# npm --version

How to install NodeJS on Linux Ubuntu?


1. Update your local package index:
$ sudo apt-get update

2. Install Node.js
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

3. Install NPM
$ sudo apt-get install npm

4. Double-check to make sure everything is working
$ node --version
$ npm --version

Now, once nodejs is installed on your server, next step is to install 'forever'

How to install forever?

1. Login to your server using command line, and install forever globally using the following command:
$ npm install forever -g

2. Double-check to make sure everything is working
$ forever --version

Now, once 'forever' is installed your server, we are ready to run our application!

How to start our application?

Login to your server using command line, cd /path/to/script
$ cd /path/to/playtube/
Before we run our application, you need to install all the dependencies, to do that, run the following command and wait till it finishes.
$ npm install
To start our application, run the following command using the server 'forever'
$ forever start ./nodejs/server.js
To stop our application, run the following command using the server 'forever'
$ forever stopall
Important: If you have edited ./nodejs/config.json file, make sure to start the application again.
Note: When you reboot your server, make sure to start your application again using: forever start ./nodejs/server.js
Note: Make sure to enable 'WebSockets' in Admin > Settings > General Settings > Server Settings.
Having difficulties running the application?
No problem! We can configure it for you for an extra fee. You can contact us here:


Download Playtube Ios Download

How to update my site if I missed a version?

If you have missed one or two or X updates, and you want to update your site to latest version, you have to update your site version by version manually.

How to manually update my website?

First of all, you have to download the update files from your codecanyon downloads page.

Once you have downloaded the script, you can find the update files in 'Update Guide' folder, as shown below:

Choose the update version, and extract it to your Desktop.

The extracted files structure should look like this:

If update.php file exists, upload it to your server using FTP client: /path/to/wowonder/update.php

Open the 'Script' folder, Upload and overwrite ALL files/folders (SELECT ALL) file(s) located inside 'Script/' folder to your server, if you have renamed your theme, please open 'Script/themes/wowonder/' and upload & overwrite ALL files/folders to your theme folder. Example:

Once the files are uploaded, open and run http://www.YOURSITE.COM/update.php (if update.php file exists)


I got a problem, How can I get support?

If you need support, or if you're facing any problems, please contact us via Envato Support tab
Please note that our respond can take up to 3 business days.

What does the support include?

Availability to answer questions, Answering technical questions about item’s features, Assistance with reported bugs and issues, Help with included 3rd party assets.

Any customization request will be ignored.

Please make sure to read more about the support policy.

I have opened a ticket, but there is no respond, why?

If we didn’t respond to you more than 3 days, simply re-send your message, and i’ll contact you soon as i can.