Scp Containment Breach Review

  • SCP Containment Breach first-time player's review. Posted by 25 days ago. SCP Containment Breach first-time player's review.
  • SCP - Containment Breach is a terrifying first-person adventure where the player controls a test subject trapped inside a lab full of paranormal creatures. What began as a simple test that might have killed your character, however, ends in tragedy.


SCP CONTAINMENT BREACH is a free survival type horror game that came out in 2012 and since then it has received a lot of updates! However it still looks like a very retro game with bad graphics and old mechanics, but that does not stop the game in being very terrifying and scary. This is one of the reasons why the game still has a very big fan base, that would still play it, besides the outdated graphics.

Scp containment breach guide

SCP: Containment Breach Review Posted on May 15, 2013 by naufalwp Anyone who played, or feared to play, the experimental horror game SCP-087 has probably been wondering if it would inspire more games based on the horrific series of scientific and supernatural lockdown.

However a new game appeared, made from a whole new team, dedicated to bring SCP to life once again. SCP CONTAINMENT BREACH UNITY is free to play and its premise is to deliver a remake of the old game.


What is SCP

If you haven’t played the old game, SCP stands for Secure Contain Protect and its an organization that is responsible for finding and containing anomalous objects, locations and even creatures that violate the natural law!

The organization operates beyond jurisdiction and it is empowered by the every major national government with the task of defending humanity from any kind of harm.

When you jump in the game, you find yourself in this facility, when a breach happens. Your main objective is to survive and escape. In order to do that you have to travel around different rooms, looking for your way out. Unfortunately you will stumble upon some of the SCPs and you can only hope they won’t kill you. (They most probably will!)

One of the most known SCP that you see early on in the game is SCP 173. This creature is a concrete sculpture that moves really quick, but only when no one has direct eye contact on it. Now combine this with the games blinking mechanic, which forces your screen to go black every ten seconds, and you have yourself a nightmare.
There is a whole wiki of SCPs, some of which are in the game, that all have their origin story, powers and a method of containing.

New Features & Gameplay

The new game does have a lot of the key features from the old one, like making every new playthrough a randomly generated map, so that every game has a different experience.

But besides that, they added numerous amounts of other aspects of the game like new textures, redesigns of some of the SCPs, but in my opinion the biggest and most important part of the game that they changed was the audio design.

Since the 0.7 update the game has such a unique new audio design, that it makes the whole experience a million times better and way scarier. From new room ambience to chase music, the new team has surely changed the game for the better!

Another big factor they added to the game is the new room called “Core”. There you are, for the most part, safe and it serves as a main elevator through the floors of the facility.

Scp Containment Breach Review

How to Beat SCP Containment Breach

(without spoiling the ending)


When you first launch the game, you probably won’t know that much about it. Your main goal in the beginning should be to explore as much as possible and be super observant of your surroundings. This way you can understand each SCPs weaknesses and strenght’s and afterwards you won’t feel as confused as you once started.

For example, if you remember that SCP 131 can help you deal with SCP 173, you will always look for them in order to have the upper hand. Or you can remember what combination of items SCP 914 can improve or upgrade, so you won’t have to search for that in the web or improvise every time!

Why is This Game so Popular

Without hesitation I can bravely say that this is my favorite horror game by far! And I feel like this is probably the same for a lot of Horror game enthusiasts as well. In my opinion this is the result of a mixture of factors.

Rich Story and Lore

Scp Scary Game

It is said to say that we will probably never see all of the SCPs in one game, or at least not in the near future. I can’t even imagine what a game with more than 5000 SCPs would look like.
But that just goes to show how much this game is rich in content.
The idea of you having to escape this facility with all these things wanting to kill you is such a cool concept. Combining that with the futuristic surroundings and the mystery of how and where it all started, gives this game so much charm. I cannot stress how much this game is important to both horror game players and game developers as well!

SCP Wiki

The SCP Wiki is built from many authors who tell stories and explore the fictional world where these anomalies exist and where governments and organizations interact with them. Thus giving birth to SCPs.
The focus of this Wiki is mainly towards the document called “an SCP” referring to the fictional organizations documentation of a certain anomaly. This way, the foundation tries to analyze and understand an SCP in order to contain it. All of them have certain stories from different experiments and results that help the organization find a way to better understand the certain anomaly.

You may ask yourself, where does the number of each SCP come from? And the answer is from the date it originates.

For example:

SCP-001 through SCP-999 are “discovered” between 2007-2011,
SCP-1000 through SCP-1999 between 2011-2013
SCP-2000 through SCP-2999 between 2013-2017 and etc.

Scp Containment Breach Walkthrough


Scp Containment Breach Game Review

If you are a big horror game and sci-fi fan like myself, you should absolutely give this game a try. I promise you, on behalf of the game, to experience something very unique in the horror game genre and have a lot of scary moments. The more you get into it, the more content there is for you to explore! Keep in mind the developers of the game have promised to keep up with the updates, so you can return once in a while to check what’s new to explore.